Jul 24, 2010


Where to begin?

So much has changed, and so much remains the same. I'm in Florida with my biological father, who I honestly never thought I'd see again. We're a lot alike, and we connected well from the beginning. My stepmom is really cool, and things are generally good.

When I return to Bama I'll be spending a little time with my friends while trying to get my crap together...then I'll be off to South Carolina to watch my David graduate from basic training for the United States Marine Corps...I wish I knew how to describe how proud I am of him. He worked for a year just to get to go to basic...he's wanted this for so long, and even though it's hard on both of us it makes him happy, and seeing him happy makes me happy :) When he returns, we're getting married.

And every time I think that it hits me- I'm getting married! To the love of my life! Things are about to get really difficult...but they'll also be so much nicer.

I just keep thinking about whatever the next step is to make it through...if I try to think beyond the very next step I get very stressed and anxious very quickly. I couldn't be more excited or more nervous or more blessed or more at peace with all my pain...

Life is slowly coming together.


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