Aug 7, 2009

Analogies...Sort of.

If laughter is the spice of life, music must be the cheese. Spicy food and cheese go well together. Most places where there are music there are people smiling, laughing, enjoying one another's company...People play music together because it makes them happy. Cheese makes me happy, personally.

Love is definitely life's sugar. Makes almost any situation taste better, but if you get too much at once you get sick to your stomach. So love can range from teacakes to fudge brownies...and I love both. So love must be sugar.

Wisdom is pepper. It's difficult and sometimes unpleasant to embrace in many situations, but sometimes it's exactly what is needed to make something complete. Only the wise enjoy wise decisions, but everybody likes the taste of profitable outcome. So pepper is wisdom.

Friends are salt. Life gives us so many people, and they are all so wonderfully different. Whenever something needs some extra flavor, we ring up our friends. We know that our chicken noodle soup evening of staying in and watching a Gilmore Girls marathon will be a lot more bearable with The Zany Friend, The Witty Friend, and The Chronically Awkward Friend there to keep us company. To add that extra kick to just about anything, ya' gotta add some salt.

So our overview...laughter is the spice of life, but which one? Love makes us laugh in delight, wisdom allows us to chuckle to ourselves when we are put out, and friends give us the comfort and cause to laugh out loud until our guts hurt and our eyes water. So which spice is laughter to you? What part of your life makes you feel the most relaxed, most free to cut loose and giggle a little?

That's not a question you can really answer, is it?

You can't survive on a few pinches of sugar or a handful of salt every day. Spices add to food, but are not food themselves. Life is what you have to work with. The blend of all your experiences, relationships, the alternate paths of all your choices, and everything that you are and that you strive to be...that is what you survive on. Don't like the way things taste? Change your recipe up a little. You've got your whole life to get it right, so don't be afraid to make mistakes. Spend time with people if you feel a little lonely, or if you're bitter inside, tell your family, friends, or significant other that you love them. If you feel put out, take time to step back and analyze the situation. Have you made the wisest decision? How can you work with what you have to get the best possible result? But most importantly, what will you be content with in life? NOT what will you settle for, but what can you be content with?

When you go to sleep tonight, will you be able to close your eyes and think about your life and say, "If I never wake up again, this was awesome."?

Unsettling? I can't say I can always sit back and be content, but I should be. We have an incredible amount of things to be thankful for.

I try to end every day by smiling at all the things I love about my life, and life in general. I thank God for it, and I go to sleep willing to live and ready to die. It's a very peaceful way to exist, I believe. When you can lay everything down and say, "I'm happy with who I am and how I live," you have nothing to lose but everything to give. It's a nice feeling, though often fleeting.

Keep fighting the good fight. You'll lose battles forever, but the ride's so worth it when you know how to cherish the ones you win.


There is a cat very close to my head an I am a little afraid.

Damn you, Bobby the Cat. Damn you.

I got some crazy-awesome Converses yesterday. They are niiiiiice. Also purchased a pendulum, some amazing incense for my smelly room, and some strawberries, which I ate within a few hours of buying them ^_^ yummy strawberries...mmmmmm...

Anyway, band has been incredibly fun so far and I look forward to my year of Senior French Horn ownage. HOORAY! I'm watching Steven play Homeworld. Quite interesting. D has become addicted to Red Faction and I've been on a writing spree lately.

So my latest event...THRILL THE WORLD! Visit and become part of something amazing! More info at website. I promise it's worth the time.

Also, an acquaintance of mine has a blogspot that I found to be quite refreshing. Check it out .

Zero Gravity is an amazing store. Very my style. I've come to embrace the fact that I have no set style (though I usually fluctuate between artsy, punk, and hippiechick), so Zero is the perfect place for me.

I discovered that I have unlimited IMs on my phone. Go for it.

Current events: School starts Monday. Scary, I know. Especially when you're concerned about money as much as you are that you haven't completed your summer reading because your ever-shrinking attention span desires to heed to nothing but writing and making plans for the quick-approaching future.

D is joining the Marines. I worry, but I'm really happy he's embracing what he wants to do in life. He would never try to talk me out of writing, and I won't try to make him change career choices. The idea of the military startles me a little, but my past has probably given me an unfair bias about it. I simply can't wait until everything's sorted out.

Michael and Michael Have Issues. Great show on Comedy Central. Check it out. (I love Michael Ian Black!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

In my preparation for Thrill the World I have listened to more Michael Jackson music than I ever have at one time before. He truly was an amazing performer, all else aside.

Stop the Ellen Degeneres jokes. They're not funny and they're in really bad taste. That woman has never acted a fool and flagrantly insulted people on live television or done anything to hurt anyone, so leave her be, please. Go pick on Rosie, already.

Kathy Griffin is hilarious. My Life on the D_List...priceless. Her mind works a little like mine, so I find her quite refreshing in a deja vu kind of way.

With all good luck i will have English with ED and McCurly again this year (if so, i have soooo many laughs to look forward to)...

My topic of choice- Bobby the Cat. Bobby was born with a urethra so tiny that it was agonizing for him to pee, and, in short, he now has no penis and relieves himself through a hole. Numa, his female counterpart, became a part of the family many years after the amputation of Bobby's gigglestick, and now whenever she enters heat (we hear her yowling incessantly from across the house), Bobby mounts and attempts to mate with her, despite the absence of his manhood. It is quite possibly among the most amusing (and depressing) things I have ever seen.
Poor Bobby. I salute you, impotent kitty.

When I started typing Bobby decided he was going to lie on the back of my computer chair, therefore preventing me from resting my head, lest my face be horribly disfigured by his back claws. Sometimes I feel sorry enough for that cat to let him claim my headrest, but today it just made me uncomfortable.

So here I am, rambling for the amusement of the infinitesimally low number of people that actually read this blog. Ya gotta love it.

Quotes for the day:

"Why can't we be friends, Brendon? Why?!" -me

"That was an epic fail." -Mr. Sloan

"Hello, Moochie Rumpum!" -Saucey

"Goodbye blackbird." -Johnny Depp in Public Enemies


...need I say more? I think not. Until next time, my friends...

"Live long and prosper." -Mr. Spock, Star Trek


Aug 1, 2009

Oh Snap!

So band camp was this week. It was amazing. And truly hilarious. Most commonly used phrases of the week- "Oh snap!", "Je-su-uh-us!", "Fondue", "Squeal like a pig, boy!", "You got a purdy mouth...", "Bojangles", and "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard; that's right, it's better than yours, damn right, it's better than yours". Most commonly played songs other than show music- "Lean on me" and "Why Can't We Be Friends?"

It rained all week and was cloudy and fairly nice out in general. Today is my anniversary with D, and so far it has been quite wonderful. I discovered Yahoo IM on my phone, which is sweet because now I'm online pretty much all day to talk to whoever wants to.

I had an interesting conversation with my best friend the other day involving philosophy, among other more personal matters. The basic idea was that no one should expect liberties without giving the exact same liberties to others without withholding. We each decided that neither of us is quite up to par in that respect, so we have something to think about as we go throughout life.

I'm excited that school is starting soon. One more year. It feels so strange to know that I'm about to transcend between more stages in's exciting, nerve-racking, scary, poetic...

Molin Rouge. Great movie. Ewan McGreggor has the voice of an angel. I'm sure ED would agree with me. :)

I'm gonna research some stuff now. Peace.
