Jan 24, 2010

So I Wrote Something...

Writing hasn't exactly had a high priority with me lately, due to various assignments and issues that have taken up most of my time and creative juices. But, here is an homage to D's persistence in pursuing me, which, when I realized how thankful I was for it, flowed easily onto paper.

Sonnet for an Angel

Always have I seen thy wings
Stayed against thy back,
Beauties that do lack
Use for finer things;
"Fly thee not, my dove,
Away from frigid me?
For it should suit thee to flee
The curse that is my love."
A year I cast thee away
Whilst thou loved me truly,
But at last I asked thee stay
To be loved and cherished dually,
For without thy guiding way,
I would swiftly fade, and fully.

That's it. Hope you enjoyed.


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