Feb 26, 2009

Abusive language...

And by that, I literally mean that we are abusing the English language...and deliciously so. A half-hour fit of uncontrollable giggles seized my table in art class today by the first accidental and then intentional misuse of the word "consecrate." We joked about everything from "consecration camps" to consecrating on our work to R Kelly. But I'll save my art class for Ms. McCurly to blog about. Her comic genius (and wonderfully contagious laughter) never ceases to amaze me. She's terribly interesting for a self-proclaimed boring person.

So while waiting for yet another of my grandmother's wonderful home-cooked meals, I shall blog about random crappola. I heard a phrase in my English class the other day that I took great offense to...and though I was, at that moment, terribly tempted to turn a few preps into pretzels, I held my tongue. I didn't hear the context of the phrase, but I doubt I will soon forget it's wording: "Stupid faggot, dicks are for chicks."

What on earth gives these people the right to say that?! My own surrogate brother, whom I love like on one else, is a homosexual. If they had known that, would they have blurted such an ignorant, prejudiced thing out right next to me in the middle of a fugging English class? I highly doubt it. Why? Cowardice. Their so-called beliefs are only important enough to them to voice them when their audience is in full agreement. What are we raising our children to become, here? I could have as easily said, "Hey cheerleader, go learn how to read!" or "Wow, those roids really become you," but to what end? Folks, tact is something people are sorely lacking these days...and the awe striking factor about it is that these people actually believe they have a right to impose the harassment of their prejudices on other people. They actually believe it. It's insane, but they just cannot comprehend that there are situations in which they are not and cannot be right. It's laughable...and if that particular slander hadn't hit so close to home with me, I would have laughed out loud. I want to say, "Let it go, they'll have a fire lit under their ass when they have to handle the world without their parents," but then I realize, sadly, that some of these kids will ride mommy and daddy's coattails into the grave without ever realizing how ignorant they are. But oh well...what else is there to say about it?

I have almost finished Looking for Alaska. It managed to drag up some memories of a friend of mine, and I cried a lot after school today, then managed to lock myself out of my van and get stuck at school until four forty-seven. Ain't that some luck? But anywhoo, I'm all comfy at home in my brother's room and I've got the book open while I'm typing...it's quite wonderfully written.

I suppose I should explain my situation. I toggle between my grandparents' house, in which I was raised, and my parents' (meaning my mother and stepfather) house. I developed a lot of knowledge of religion from attending churches with my mom and stepdad, along with my full brother, Nathan. I also adopted spiritualist views from the respect of nature and imperfect beauty that my grandmother taught me. As I've matured, I've theorized various things that involve different religions, and have my own thing...I found that one of my "surrogate brothers", Angel, also shares many of my views, which is insanely coincidental. So here's a quick summary of people you'll probably hear mentioned in my posts...

DAVID-the absolute love of my life (my Jacob, for you Twilight fans...Edward sucks :p )
GRANDMA, MAMA JO, GRANNY- mi abuela (my grandmother)
POP- my grandfather
NATHAN, NATER, NATE- my little, currently 13 year-old, blood brother
MS. MCCURLY- good buddy from my English and Art I classes, also hilarious and severely awesome.
SOTA- my closest "surrogate brother", meaning I consider him family in all senses.
ANGEL- a friend of mine that I look up to and who's been a sort of spiritual mentor to me, and, though his stoicism prevents me from knowing rather he returns the love, I consider him another brother.
TODD- my mother's brother, therefore my uncle, who is fifteen years older than me but acts about Angel's age, so he's always felt like another brother. He lives here too, with my grandparents, so we see each other a lot.

So okay. Just to open this up for comment, here is a rundown of my spiritual beliefs. There's some theory and some science in this, so those easily lost may wanna skim it.

I support, in modesty, the Buddhist belief that the energy that is the life of a person gets recycled and used over, based on the Law of Conservation of Energy. Since some die inexplicably, the only thing separating the living and the dead must be some sort of kinetic energy. This, I believe, may be separated from the soul (which I believe to be, for the most part, immortal) when a person kicks it, and that the energy may carry personality traits, memories, aptitudes, etc. with it into another living being (my homage to the theory of reincarnation). However, I do not believe any one human lives more than one life. I'm also very free-thinking, obviously, though I do put stock in most major Biblical standards. I also acknowledge and accept that we are animals, and though religion may enlighten the mind, the soul needs room to grow and discover on its own.

So I suppose you could call me a nondenominational Christian.

I have an odd knack for seeing really weird things in public places that no one seems to notice. Like honest-to-God cowboys walking out of a Mexican restaurant. Or sixty-something year-old Amish women congregating in glee in Victoria's Secret. Or a woman eating a burrito in the passenger seat of a standard Honda that drove itself...seriously. That Honda was possessed. And Chanting Black Man, a strange man who I first met many years ago chanting with a staff in hand on a street corner, and have since thusly referred to as such with affection. I'm also pretty sure squirrels can afford to be so retarded because they have an uncanny ability to return from the dead. But I'll save that for after dinner. *wink* L8r.

1 comment:

  1. Gabby.

    You're going to be famous.

    Absolutely amazing writer.
    Blows my mind.
