Feb 27, 2009

Chronicles of the Sixth Period Art Class: Episode I; Consecration

So Ms. McCurly and I are if the same art class with a crew of trouble-making fools. Well, at some point a certain person,whose name shall not be revealed, invited a few of the wilder people in our class over to our table and asked them to join us in Te Penis Game. Said game involves each member of a class taking a turn saying the word "penis", the first person muttering it out in the slightest whisper. The volume of the word increases until the teacher notices...which, with our particular instructor's apparent hearing/attention problems, could mean that The Penis Game may have actually continued until someone on the other side of the room from where it began may actually have to scream, "PEEEENIIIIIIIIIS!" in order to end the game. I was the suggested starter of the game, and was considering actually participating when someone at our table began to use an ethnic accent that was quite obviously not their own Caucasion one to say, "Hey, you wanna get me a Rice Crispy Creat?" (inside joke).

This got the ethnic-accent-impressions going, and pretty soon it began,

"Man, we been readin' this book on da Holocaust and dem concecration camps..."

A ripple of laughter.

"Man, shut up, I gotsta consecrate on my work!"

"All y'all shut up, I'm tryin' to consecrate on this book!"

"You better not consecrate on my book!"

"But seriously, all the shoveling those poor people in the consecration camps had to do...I mean, they were probably having to consecrate on each other..."

"Hey man, can I consecrate on you?"

Finally, among the constant eruptions of laughter at our own immaturity and at the compulsive and unquenchable fit of giggles we'd been thrown into, Ms. McCurly returns to her normal speaking voice and asks, "Gah, why would you ever wanna consecrate on someone..."

I realized the slight irrelevancy of the quip, but I couldn't resist, and immediately responded with, "Well, if you're R Kelly..."

I don't think any of us stopped laughing until after the bell rang to move to seventh period. Eventually everybody was lost in a hopeless fit of giggling over everyone else's giggling. It was pretty hilarious.


  1. xD we dont have that much fun at our table

    of course then again

    no one at my table would be willing to scream PENIS!!!!!!!!!! as loud as they could xD

    we talked about how aarons grandma killed a hispanic trespassing on her property with her shotgun

    i said she should have fired warning singnals then if he didnt leave she would have the full right to kill him

    he said "well he was cowering behind a tree which means he must have been hiding something and was most probably a theif"

    i said "of course he was hiding if an old lady comes out of a house with a shot gun wouldnt you hide" xD

  2. "Homeboy look like he stKRaight up came out the concenKRation camp."
