Feb 26, 2009


Or so says Caroline, my bestest fwiend from kindergarden up. She is also the first to report to me the existence of zombie squirrels. Apparently, the story goes like this...

Care and a friend of hers were playing around in among the network of planks and foundation pieces that made up a house that was just going up. The crews weren't there for some reason, so the girls had free reign of the unfinished property. While adventuring among the building materials they came across a dead squirrel, which they buried in an empty box they found under some extra sand. They wrote something in the sand, "R.I.P. SQUIRREL" and whatnot, but were a bit freaked out because the squirrel wasn't buried quite deep enough and one of his little back feet was sticking out of the sand between the letters. They decided not to mess with it, so they went about their playing and eventually left.
A few days later the girls came back and came across the rodent's sandbox tomb again...only this time, no tiny foot sticking up. The lettering was undisturbed, and the girls figured maybe the very dead squirrel had somehow gone further inside the box, since he obviously hadn't come out of it. They emptied the box...nothing inside remotely small, dead, and furry. So they ran screaming, "DEAD SQUIRRELS WALK THE EARTH!!!!" for amusement. A funny story, but I still wanna know where the damn squirrel went...

Anyway, that dinner was amazing. Shells & cheese, homemade mashed potatoes, fried chicken, fried okra, ketchup, and Coke. There aren't many more enjoyable ways to spiral oneself comfortably closer to pericardium doom.
God, I pray that women lives forever or teaches me to cook...preferably both.

Well, that's all for now. On to my beast of a research paper. *curtsy* ~W.V.~

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