Mar 29, 2009

I am so very excited!

I have decided to help financially support a little girl named Steffy. She turns seven on April ninth, and she is so beautiful. She lives in Honduras. I really felt God was calling me to use the money I pend on stupid stuff for myself to help support one of these children, so I went up to the table and scanned the pictures, and there was this beautiful little face with a sweet mischievous grin, and I just knew she was it. Reminded me of pictures of myself in kindergarten. She has asthma, and when I read that I was sort of reminded of Denzil and how much he loved his this is sort of for Denzil, too.

I have never been so excited to spend money in all my life. I can't wait to get paid so that I can load my card and start supporting her.

More on Steffy! Her father is a driver and her mother a homemaker, and they live in a house that most of us would consider to be the product of poverty, but compared to many children in her situation she is well enough off. My thirty bucks a month helps her eat one good, healthy meal a day five days a week at a kitchen in her school or church, buy her new clothes and school uniforms that fit, buy her shoes, and occasionally spoil her (which I most definitely will do from time to time). She is so gorgeous...y'all should all get involved in something like this. It is such a great thing...and mark me, these children are selected for these programs because they make good grades in school and exhibit good attitudes. Out of all of the children in poverty, only a few gain the privilege of having an American aid is a privilege to write letters to an American sponsor...and honor to know that an American knows and cares that they exist. I urge you to get involved. Be a blessing in the life of a child that needs to be loved...I've only seen a picture of Steffy and I love her already. If you're interested or know someone who may be, visit to learn about how to support a child from Honduras or Nicaragua, or search for Compassion International for information about sponsoring children all over the world.

This is a perfect labor of love for single young adults, couples without children, and teenagers with a steady job. I mean, what is thirty bucks a month? A dinner out when you could make a sandwich, a movie that'll probably suck anyway, a pair of jeans or shoes that you probably don't need? This is a life- changing opportunity for these children and their sponsors alike. These kids can graduate high school because of you...can receive career training because of you. Can lead a happy, successful life because one American took ten minutes and thirty dollars and said, "I want to make a difference with my life."

Once again, I am so excited...I can't wait for my first letter! Please email me, I'd love to hear your questions and comments about Steffy. I'll probably carry her picture, so if you see me ask about her. Please consider supporting a have a chance to completely alter the life of a child that may or may not have a chance at life without you.

God bless,


  1. YES i have been doing it since august and its has been the biggest blessing i have haver had saved Jesus saving me

    the pictures she sends me and the letters are so sweet and i really dont think i could do anything better with my money than to give to the poor a matter of fact one summer i plan to intern at compassion international

    i hope she blesses you as much as karen has blessed me
