Mar 9, 2009

My bored, random, depressed/aggrevated thoughts during my 6th period art class...

I'm in a mood for deep thought today, so here we go...

Have you ever thought about the fact that, in the spectrum of the earth itself, time does not exist? Time is the human measurement of the passage of daylight, stages of life, etc...but in and of itself, time is nothing at all.

During sex, do atheists moan, "Oh Nothingness, oh nothingness..."

"If your uncle Jack helped you off an elephant, would you help your uncle Jack off an elephant?" -the Love Guru

"Man learns from history that man learns nothing from history."

Why do so many women dye their hair blonde when statistics show that men prefer brunettes?

Why on earth wouldn't you want to be an organ doner? Dead is dead, and the living need organs to continue human greed so steadfast that it persists even in death?

Reality has proven to be stranger than fiction.

Guns don't kill people, and neither do people with guns. BULLETS kill people. Get it right, fools.

Obama- IO is 127. Mine is 140. I hate politics. Hooray for the wise.

Call 7722574498. No toll, nothing dirty or incriminating, no obligation, just pure hilarity. DO IT! (Listen carefully)

Why do glasses make normal people look smart and smart people look slightly creepy?

My points to finding, and therefore loving, oneself:
1. Keep an open mind while maintaining personal standards.
2. Appreciate and fully experience the natural world.
3. Love others
4. Self-sacrifice

The Army values are actually really great to live by:
Selfless service
Personal courage

"Skin deep, you're skin deep; no one will ever be perfect in your eyes...always scratching the surface for your prize. First impressions are over in an instant. You make your decisions before you speak a end your search, the page already turned. So fill the empty space with another pretty face..." -Skin Deep by Trapt

"Nothing really matters, anyone can see...nothing really matters...nothing really matters to me...any way the wind blows." -Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

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