Dec 5, 2009

You Shouldn't Say "Macbeth" in the Theatre...

Or anywhere around me, because I may randomly punch you and start swearing at the heavens like an ancient Greek with Taurette's (meaning I'd swear in Latin).

Anyway, I have a great respect for that play, but I hate reading it. I wish I could just go see the show, just to get the full creepiness out of it.

I am so completely, utterly, irrevocably in love with my David. And he's officially joining the Marines. And I am SO NERVOUS. But, I think I may have partially convinced him into having a ceremony, which I look forward to. Of course I have no idea how we'll afford it (not getting any financial support), but I think we can manage something nice. All of this thought about the military is terribly exciting, but there's constantly something lingering in the back of my mind, echoing after every hope, telling me that somehow he'll die and I'll be left all alone. I guess it's the fact that I'm used to everything beautiful in my life falling out from under me the moment I start expecting it to last. Family, friends, guys, my personal stability among others...the moment I get comfortable with any of it, all of it falls apart.

But, thinking back, D showed up in this town when things were getting really bad, and he loved me then, and he's never let me fall, even when it wasn't expected of his and wasn't his job. David's never abandoned me, and I believe he never will...but his willingness to be with me and protect me can't deflect a bullet, and neither can all my worries and highest hopes. I could pray until I passed out, but if it's supposed to happen it will happen...and though my belief in fate should make me more comfortable, it doesn't.

I'm the happiest I've ever been when I'm making him happy, and I can't see myself without him, ever. I've lost family and friends to many things, including death, but to this day I cannot comprehend how people cope with the lose of their mate. The very thought of it makes me cry.

So. Analysis.

10 Things I Don't Love About Myself:
1.) I eat too much
2.) I'm often indecisive
3.) I worry too much
4.) I should let my guard down more often
5.) I let people walk all over me
6.) I ignore my own needs in order to tend to others'
7.) I'm a bit too comfortable with the idea of my own death
8.) I tend to take lots of time to accept changes about myself
9.) I remember too much
10.) I forget too much

10 Things I Love About Myself:
1.) I'm tall
2.) Someone loves me for exactly who I am
3.) I find humor in negative situations
4.) I don't take myself too seriously
5.) I'm aware of how I sound, but also of what I mean
6.) I can be quite eloquent, with a little effort
7.) I have a small group of amazing friends
8.) I comfort people
9.) I know who I am
10.) I understand what I am

I always feel better about life after I analyze myself. I'm not entirely sure why.

So it's December 5th, and getting ever-closer to Christmas. As I get older I hate winter more and like the holidays a fraction more, but I can't say that it's the family-oriented part of the holiday that I like. Most of my family hates the rest of it, and in some cases just me, so I avoid conflict and contact like the plague. The coziness of Christmas is nice, but my favorite part is gift-giving. Just buying and making gifts for other people. It makes me feel awesome, and the acts of shopping and creating are relaxing to me.

All my stories are coming along nicely. I sustain my high hopes for them.

I heard a great joke the other day.

A burglar breaks into a house and starts looking around for valuables. After a few minutes he hears a voice that says, "Jesus knows you're here and he knows what you're doing."
The burglar snaps his flashlight on and looks around, but doesn't see anyone, so he moves on to another room and continues looking for valuables. After a few more minutes, the thief hears the voice again, closer this time, "Jesus sees you and he doesn't like what you're doing."
The thief turns his flashlight on again and sweeps the room, and this time the beam passes over a parrot. The burglar laughs and says,
"Was that you, little guy?"
"Yes, it was." The parrot answered.
"What's your name?"
"Moses." Says the parrot.
"Ha!" The burglar laughed, "Who would name a parrot Moses?"
The parrot squawked and replied, "The same person who would name a rottweiler Jesus."


Nov 26, 2009

"All the Same"

It's an amazing song by Sick Puppies that makes me cry. In fact, that's what I'm doing right now, in the best possible way; listening to "All the Same" and crying a little. David's oblivious beside me, playing Modern Warfare 2 and swearing at the screen.

Today is Thanksgiving, and I am blogging. Strange, I know. I don't have much else to do. My blood family spent the afternoon arguing, and I'm with David's, which I must say is much more fun.

Thinking a lot about family lately. Still insanely excited about getting married, and nervous about a great many things, but also oddly at peace with my indefinite state of discord. I think that is part of my humanity, independant from everyone else's; I am constantly at odds with myself, and usually everyone else. It's become a relitively comfortable form of existance for me.

So I've been designing tee shirts for an up-and-coming company. Eventyally I hope to make a little extra money from the endevour; let's hope it turns out okay.

Work is good, but it's also always a little sad because I know I'll eventually have to leave. I'm a bit nervous about working Black Friday, but I'm sure we'll handle it well. Generally everyone I work with is quite adaptable.

I must not be very picky about music. I listen to so much, and not a lot of it is well known, and therefore, no one likes it. It makes me sad. People that deserve to be discovered rarely are.

Hinder songs are always sad. Anyone else noticed that?

Now that Evanescence is no more, I must recommend you listen through their Origin album...most of their truly musically unique stuff happened before they signed with Windup, though their popular stuff isn't bad either.

My hair is shorter now than it has been since the first grade. I think I'm starting to get used to seems to be growing on others as well. It's a modified bob that I've been tweaking into a few different edgy styles.

I am SO FULL OF FOOD. David's mother makes phenomenal cheesecake. My mom actually managed a strange (and awesome) variation of fruit salad that I loved. I need to hone my limited cooking skills. Seriously.

Life has been so odd lately. People look up to me, and all my friends my age or older are getting married, having kids, starting careers, going to different colleges...I have to say, I'm most excited for Sota. I believe so much in him...he'll make it, no matter what he wants to do.

Has anyone ever seen a miniature poodle completely unshaven? They look like love children of shizus and sheep. When we arrived at my grandmother's today, the first thing we saw was my aunt and uncle running through the yard, chasing a poodle. I must say, it was hilarious; as soon as I got inside and opened the front door, the little thing ran right inside. It was, of course, sour grapes to the others.

I'm not sure why I'm blogging today.

It just feels like I'm connected with myself, I guess. Considering McCurly is the only person that reads these, I think that's why I blog know myself as well as I can.

"Demolition Lovers". Quite an interesting song, though somewhat morbid. I'd love to learn the acoustic guitar part.

Oh! I almost forgot. I choked on something at dinner in front of my future in-laws.

Only me.

Epic fail.

Happy Turkey-Day, people.

"How do you expect to get any pudding if you don't eat your meat?!!"
~"A Brick in the Wall"


Nov 18, 2009













To quote the Almighty Lucy of Peanuts, "Stop the world, I wanna get off!"

My head is spinning from all the recent insanity around me. David and I think we have almost figured the money issues out, but everything else boils down to time and effort. Time I don't have and effort that was long ago exhausted. Right now ED is making peanut butter cookies with green icing, and that sounds very nice right now. I'm trying to focus on the nice little things I've been to frantically panicking to notice lately. Like cookies, Cookie (ED's puppy), my writing, my aspirations to attend SCAD, and all the built-up excitement over getting married this summer.

Which reminds me.

Who cares what I do with my life besides me, really?
A hundred years ago...heck, I could even say fifty, was considered offensive and fool hearty idea for a woman to aspire to do anything but be a housewife and mother. Now, every woman is expected to go to college and come out on top of some successful industry that has her making $100,000 per year and wearing a power suit to work every day. For a modern woman to desire nothing more than a proper marriage and a family is so unacceptable to so many people...a woman who chooses to take on the full-time jobs of being a faithful, dutiful wife and a loving mother is not respected as the same class of human being as a woman that delays or rejects these ideas in exchange for loads of debt from student loans and a decent job that they will likely end up hating anyway.

I'm all for women branching out and becoming anything they want to be- but if I am truly happy, satisfied, and productive as nothing more than a writer, a wife, and a woman, who has the right to dictate that I am a less responsible, less intelligent, less experienced, or "spoiled" woman?

My ideal future is to get married, get stationed somewhere reasonable, and attend the Savannah College of Art and Design while David is deployed, as he is very likely to be within one or two years of joining the USMC. But let's use our common sense, children; that plan is very naive.
More than likely I will not have much of a choice in where David is stationed, or about when I will be able to attend college on an actual campus. Though I realize that online college is a great option that I will probably take advantage of, I feel in my very core that my duty is to my husband first, because he will be and always has taken wonderful care of me at his own expense, and truly enjoys seeing me happy.
College is not necessary for financial success. The opposite belief is, to be brutally honest, an incredibly common misconception. And, believe it or not, folks, money isn't everything. If I want to make money, I'll write and work my tail off, and my writing will be as likely to become popular as the work of someone with a degree. In fact, since it's fiction, it could end out even more successful.
Another point- This is the United States of America. I have here more freedom than any other woman on earth could hope for. I can attend college whenever I want. At nineteen, at thirty or forty.

I can make of my life whatever I want to make of it.

And that is a wonderful, enlightening, nerve-wracking thought.

The world is ours for the taking. Our generation, for its peak of twenty years or so, will rule this earth in whichever way we choose to. We are the future. We are the champions.

The heart isn't always a trustworthy compass, but love is- love is not an emotion or an obligation or a natural instinct...all those things come from love. Love is simply the choice to put another human being before one's self in every way possible because it brings you sheer joy. Love is letting another know, every day, through everything you do, that you see the truest form of beauty in them, shimmering through all their faults, and you hold them higher than yourself because without them, your world would be a much uglier place.

Love is a choice, and everything we tend to think it is is a byproduct of that shimmer of divinity that we so long to embrace.

If I have to live in a two-bedroom apartment and work every day of my life, if I have to scrounge, fight, push or pull, I will live my life with love for everything God has blessed me with, starting with the love of my love. College is still a huge priority, but c'mon people...without differences, humanity would be even more miserable than it already is.

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams,
We are the movers and shakers,
For our world forever, it seems."


Nov 17, 2009

Lord help me

I need this week to be over. Seriously. I also seriously need to avoid my house. And to move into my new house.
I wanna get away so bad.
I'd love Thanksgiving to pass me by, if I can just walk outside and breath freely.
I'd love to be a ghost to everything in this life I have now.
Lord help me.

Nov 2, 2009

Going Home

I've wandered down this road before;
A whispered memory at my door
Was all it took to break the hook
That held my mind and more.
Reflection begins, emotions teeming,
In the back of a bus, eyes open, dreaming.

~Gabrielle M. Hutchinson~

Sep 23, 2009

"Failure is not an option."

That is one of the most irrelevant statements I've ever heard. Failure is not an option; failure is the inevitable outcome of at least one of every person's ventures every single day. Such a powerful statement and yet so blatantly untrue; every single person fails at something all the time.
So what git decided that failure is no longer not only a possible outcome of the actions of any living thing, but quite a likely one?
And why is it that the phrase "Failure is not an option" is most often uttered by leaders when their followers face a situation in which failure is not only quite likely, but in which it would lead to a major shift in their lives, or even to the loss of them?
My point is that some of the most powerful phrases in the English language, the ones that truly move people into taking action, are ones that could either easily be lies or are lies entirely. "I love you", "Just do it", "It'll be okay", "Everything happens for the better", "You can do it", "No one will know"..."Failure is not an option."
What makes words that imply life or death urgency so powerful? Is there something in human nature that drives us to take huge risks when properly motivated?
I end with my favorite phrase, and a strikingly accurate one-

"Everything's Eventual" ~Steven King~


Sep 8, 2009

Beauty, and an Update on Life...

Life is amazing right now. David proposed about a month ago, and it feels so good to know we're actually moving towards something good together...we've started looking at necessitates, and despite the formidable financial difficulties we are sure to face, I'm incredibly excited.

And now, a word on beauty.

Is everywhere, in everything, all the time.
In death and suffering, in laughter and confusion,
In naivete and bitterness.
One could observe the world and see not a shred of what one perceives to be
But she is there, in someone else's eyes,
Or goals, or dreams, or twisted, secret desires...
Is not skin deep, but a natural part
Of who we are...
Who We Are...
Vitality, viciousness, intellect seasoned by steely ruthlessness,
Aesthetically all one could ask for and spiritually wretched,
Who We Are...
What We Are
Is a race of dragonflies,
And stupid. So stupid we drown ourselves
In our own cares and fly so quickly and recklessly
Towards our aspirations
That we break our bodies against the walls and even
Other beings...we fall to our deaths in pursuit of
What We Already Are...
Cannot be found in surgery or clothes or beautiful things,
But only in beautiful lives, in
Beautiful People...
And these are definite reasons why,
Though I may be plain and simple to see,
I'd want an elegant soul in me,
Instead of letting life drift by
As a beautiful, idiot dragonfly.

I remember Mackenzie telling me about how it so disturbed him that the occasional dragonfly will crash straight into a living person, so gorgeous and yet delightfully unaware of the frailty of said condition. It made me think of how money is worthless, as is beauty, because when you die you have neither to your name. So, in short, I wrote a very different version of the above poem, and altered it to my liking before posting it here. I hope it has provided enjoyment for someone.

Anyway, life flows on. On to another day.

"Who watches the Watchmen?"


Aug 7, 2009

Analogies...Sort of.

If laughter is the spice of life, music must be the cheese. Spicy food and cheese go well together. Most places where there are music there are people smiling, laughing, enjoying one another's company...People play music together because it makes them happy. Cheese makes me happy, personally.

Love is definitely life's sugar. Makes almost any situation taste better, but if you get too much at once you get sick to your stomach. So love can range from teacakes to fudge brownies...and I love both. So love must be sugar.

Wisdom is pepper. It's difficult and sometimes unpleasant to embrace in many situations, but sometimes it's exactly what is needed to make something complete. Only the wise enjoy wise decisions, but everybody likes the taste of profitable outcome. So pepper is wisdom.

Friends are salt. Life gives us so many people, and they are all so wonderfully different. Whenever something needs some extra flavor, we ring up our friends. We know that our chicken noodle soup evening of staying in and watching a Gilmore Girls marathon will be a lot more bearable with The Zany Friend, The Witty Friend, and The Chronically Awkward Friend there to keep us company. To add that extra kick to just about anything, ya' gotta add some salt.

So our overview...laughter is the spice of life, but which one? Love makes us laugh in delight, wisdom allows us to chuckle to ourselves when we are put out, and friends give us the comfort and cause to laugh out loud until our guts hurt and our eyes water. So which spice is laughter to you? What part of your life makes you feel the most relaxed, most free to cut loose and giggle a little?

That's not a question you can really answer, is it?

You can't survive on a few pinches of sugar or a handful of salt every day. Spices add to food, but are not food themselves. Life is what you have to work with. The blend of all your experiences, relationships, the alternate paths of all your choices, and everything that you are and that you strive to be...that is what you survive on. Don't like the way things taste? Change your recipe up a little. You've got your whole life to get it right, so don't be afraid to make mistakes. Spend time with people if you feel a little lonely, or if you're bitter inside, tell your family, friends, or significant other that you love them. If you feel put out, take time to step back and analyze the situation. Have you made the wisest decision? How can you work with what you have to get the best possible result? But most importantly, what will you be content with in life? NOT what will you settle for, but what can you be content with?

When you go to sleep tonight, will you be able to close your eyes and think about your life and say, "If I never wake up again, this was awesome."?

Unsettling? I can't say I can always sit back and be content, but I should be. We have an incredible amount of things to be thankful for.

I try to end every day by smiling at all the things I love about my life, and life in general. I thank God for it, and I go to sleep willing to live and ready to die. It's a very peaceful way to exist, I believe. When you can lay everything down and say, "I'm happy with who I am and how I live," you have nothing to lose but everything to give. It's a nice feeling, though often fleeting.

Keep fighting the good fight. You'll lose battles forever, but the ride's so worth it when you know how to cherish the ones you win.


There is a cat very close to my head an I am a little afraid.

Damn you, Bobby the Cat. Damn you.

I got some crazy-awesome Converses yesterday. They are niiiiiice. Also purchased a pendulum, some amazing incense for my smelly room, and some strawberries, which I ate within a few hours of buying them ^_^ yummy strawberries...mmmmmm...

Anyway, band has been incredibly fun so far and I look forward to my year of Senior French Horn ownage. HOORAY! I'm watching Steven play Homeworld. Quite interesting. D has become addicted to Red Faction and I've been on a writing spree lately.

So my latest event...THRILL THE WORLD! Visit and become part of something amazing! More info at website. I promise it's worth the time.

Also, an acquaintance of mine has a blogspot that I found to be quite refreshing. Check it out .

Zero Gravity is an amazing store. Very my style. I've come to embrace the fact that I have no set style (though I usually fluctuate between artsy, punk, and hippiechick), so Zero is the perfect place for me.

I discovered that I have unlimited IMs on my phone. Go for it.

Current events: School starts Monday. Scary, I know. Especially when you're concerned about money as much as you are that you haven't completed your summer reading because your ever-shrinking attention span desires to heed to nothing but writing and making plans for the quick-approaching future.

D is joining the Marines. I worry, but I'm really happy he's embracing what he wants to do in life. He would never try to talk me out of writing, and I won't try to make him change career choices. The idea of the military startles me a little, but my past has probably given me an unfair bias about it. I simply can't wait until everything's sorted out.

Michael and Michael Have Issues. Great show on Comedy Central. Check it out. (I love Michael Ian Black!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

In my preparation for Thrill the World I have listened to more Michael Jackson music than I ever have at one time before. He truly was an amazing performer, all else aside.

Stop the Ellen Degeneres jokes. They're not funny and they're in really bad taste. That woman has never acted a fool and flagrantly insulted people on live television or done anything to hurt anyone, so leave her be, please. Go pick on Rosie, already.

Kathy Griffin is hilarious. My Life on the D_List...priceless. Her mind works a little like mine, so I find her quite refreshing in a deja vu kind of way.

With all good luck i will have English with ED and McCurly again this year (if so, i have soooo many laughs to look forward to)...

My topic of choice- Bobby the Cat. Bobby was born with a urethra so tiny that it was agonizing for him to pee, and, in short, he now has no penis and relieves himself through a hole. Numa, his female counterpart, became a part of the family many years after the amputation of Bobby's gigglestick, and now whenever she enters heat (we hear her yowling incessantly from across the house), Bobby mounts and attempts to mate with her, despite the absence of his manhood. It is quite possibly among the most amusing (and depressing) things I have ever seen.
Poor Bobby. I salute you, impotent kitty.

When I started typing Bobby decided he was going to lie on the back of my computer chair, therefore preventing me from resting my head, lest my face be horribly disfigured by his back claws. Sometimes I feel sorry enough for that cat to let him claim my headrest, but today it just made me uncomfortable.

So here I am, rambling for the amusement of the infinitesimally low number of people that actually read this blog. Ya gotta love it.

Quotes for the day:

"Why can't we be friends, Brendon? Why?!" -me

"That was an epic fail." -Mr. Sloan

"Hello, Moochie Rumpum!" -Saucey

"Goodbye blackbird." -Johnny Depp in Public Enemies


...need I say more? I think not. Until next time, my friends...

"Live long and prosper." -Mr. Spock, Star Trek


Aug 1, 2009

Oh Snap!

So band camp was this week. It was amazing. And truly hilarious. Most commonly used phrases of the week- "Oh snap!", "Je-su-uh-us!", "Fondue", "Squeal like a pig, boy!", "You got a purdy mouth...", "Bojangles", and "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard; that's right, it's better than yours, damn right, it's better than yours". Most commonly played songs other than show music- "Lean on me" and "Why Can't We Be Friends?"

It rained all week and was cloudy and fairly nice out in general. Today is my anniversary with D, and so far it has been quite wonderful. I discovered Yahoo IM on my phone, which is sweet because now I'm online pretty much all day to talk to whoever wants to.

I had an interesting conversation with my best friend the other day involving philosophy, among other more personal matters. The basic idea was that no one should expect liberties without giving the exact same liberties to others without withholding. We each decided that neither of us is quite up to par in that respect, so we have something to think about as we go throughout life.

I'm excited that school is starting soon. One more year. It feels so strange to know that I'm about to transcend between more stages in's exciting, nerve-racking, scary, poetic...

Molin Rouge. Great movie. Ewan McGreggor has the voice of an angel. I'm sure ED would agree with me. :)

I'm gonna research some stuff now. Peace.


Jul 14, 2009


Well, here I am again. Right now I'm cuddling with David and kinda sorta watching a Vietnam movie called Tunnel Rats. I hate Vietnam movies...except for Forrest Gump, which doesn't count :) .
I'm glad school is starting back. Yeah, it'll be busy and crazy and uberstressful as usual, but I kinda like knowing what I'm doing every day. I'm planning on hanging out with McCurly tonight, which brings me immense happiness. I haven't seen her in ages, and she's always wonderfully insightful, even in her nonsensical statements. David just belched in my face. Gross.

So I remembered...he did it again. Gross.

Anyway, I remembered a conversation I had with someone my sophomore year about psychology (a favorite dabble of mine). He got angry with me and refused to let me walk away from him because my leaving him alone after the presentation of my various theories about him would allow his mind to automatically self-analyze. (D just burped on me again. Gah.) Remembering my conversation with The Cryptic Fat One reminded me of a fact that I've discovered in my own life; usually the best, most definite way to be comfortable and happy with who you are is to really get to know yourself- to self-analyze yourself and decide which of your flaws you can live with, which of them you can't, and which of them are universals...which are so generally human that everyone shares them with you. No matter who complains about universal flaws, everyone has them, so you automatically bear them without feeling that they are a burden. Another great attribute of self-analysis is that it gives you the ability to see the good things about yourself; it creates a positive sense of pride, confidence, and self-worth. I realized today that I haven't self-analyzed in a long time, mostly because the people around me make me feel so wonderful that I don't feel the need to really read into who I am and criticize myself. For the sake of health, I think I should.

Let's see...negative traits first.

-I'm headstrong. I won't give up on something, even if it is a heavy tax on me emotionally or it takes too much out of me.
-I overthink things sometimes. I allow things to stress me out too much. I'm afraid of being too lax, so sometimes I'm too high-strung for my own good.
-I'm a tad ocd. I have a specific way I do things, and alterations throw me off. If i can't do things in a specific order I arrange things so that I can get them back into the original order, and that sometimes makes me a little inefficient.
-I can be too kind to people. Despite my good judge of character, I often knowingly give people more slack than I should, and it can end up costing me.
-I can have a one-track mind. I like to finish minor to moderate tasks before I consider taking on others, when I should be multi-tasking.
-I multi-task too much. (lol)
-I can be moody. Sometimes I let it show, sometimes I handle it pretty well. When it does show, I usually take my frustration out on people I know will put up with it (which I usually end up guilting myself to death over later...which brings me to-)
-I beat myself up. Rather I made a mistake or was simply a witness to something I couldn't control, I beat myself up over what I could have done, should have done, or would have done if I'd thought about it (which is so stupid to criticize one's self over).

There are a ton more than that, but those are specific to me. As for positives...

-I'm adaptable. Sooner or later I can become efficient at most things, which is pretty useful.
-I really care about people. People can rely on me and I get a lot of personal satisfaction out of helping them, rather or not they decide to return the favor.
-I understand people and empathize very well. I've learned how to work through emotions and it comes in handy in social situations.
-I'm usually conscious of how I behave, which is an improvement over how I was only a year or two ago. In fact, I'm practically a different person.
-I'm headstrong. Though it can be a fault, it gets me through tough times and helps make me a good leader.
-I'm insightful enough to deal with life. I don't really see the point in elaborating on that one.
-I see beauty in simple things.
-I try to see the good in everyone, even if the bad seriously gets on my nerves.
-I focus on the long run. I pay attention to the present and follow the philosophy that you only get one life and should cherish every day, but I try not to stress something if it's not gonna make a difference in a few years. I try to see opportunities and keep my eyes on my goals, and I strive for them without relent.

There are also more of those, but as before I see it as somewhat pointless to list them.

I feel better. Knowing that one knows oneself makes the world a much friendlier place, probably because when one knows oneself, one always has a friend close by.

I'm a senior. Dude, it's so weird (and relieving) to say that. One more year and I've got a new life ahead of about gnawing anticipation. I love not knowing where life will take me, and I love the few things I do know are in store for me.

Wow. This movie is awful. Good cinematography, but it's an awful film. No one wants to see life as it really is. Everyone knows that :) .But seriously, I don't know if I can finish it.

My quote of the day is original...

"My goddaughter is adorable. Michael Jackson is dead. Brownies are still yummy. Life is good."

Seriously, people. Some of his music was good...some. But he was only ever sexy or a good performer when he was a not-so-skinny, big-nosed black boy who actually sang and danced instead of grunting and grabbing his crotch. Get over it. He lives on in cds and the bank accounts of drug dealers. All I'm worried about is where all the Beatles merchandise is going. There's a lot more going on in the world than the death of yet another pop star junkie. For example, Iraq, Darfur, north Korea, and a Latina senator (JUMPIN'). Or, if you'd rather not focus on the world political stage, there's Kathy Griffin. She's friggin' hilarious. So is Gabriel Igleseas (I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong). Check them out.

"Big brother is watching you"


Jun 12, 2009

"These Tears Are Deadly"

So life has been interesting lately. My mom had her surgery a little over a week ago and this afternoon had an appointment to see what the findings about her cancer were. I'm nervous, so here I sit, blogging, alone. I'm generally calmer that way.

"Simple and Clean" is a great song. All versions. Check it out.

Well, I am a senior, and the AHS French horn/Mellophone section leader. LIfe is...good. Good enough for living. If a person can wake up and breathe and find some goodness inside themself, life is good, as good as it gets, and that means carpe diem is the way to go. Despite that carpe diem and que sera sera are two contradictory philosophies in two different languages, I try to live by them synonymously. Seize the day, but what happens happens. Only God can stop the world from turning, and while Earth spins, life moves on, with or without the living.

"She sits in her corner, singing herself to sleep,
Wrapped in all of the promises that no one seems to keep.
She no longer cries to herself, no tears left to wash away.
Just diaries of empty pages, feelings gone astray.
But she will sing
'Til everything burns while everyone screams
With all of their hopes and all of my dreams"

"Everything burns" ~Anastacia feat. Ben Moody

Almost all my friends have been consumed by World of Warcraft. I'm occasionally tempted to beat them senseless with their Internet routers. Though it's a fun game, hours upon days upon weeks upon end of leveling up to gain status in a video game while you're sitting there getting older is just a bit foolish to me. Get a life, folks. You only get eighty years or so. The Internet will always be there, but you won't. Live a little.

Everyone take a little time to just sit, or listen to music, or talk to loved ones. To read, to write, to paint, to pray. Take pictures, sing songs, dance like you're the only one with eyes. Turn off your phone and turn up the volume. Drive with the windows down. Sleep naked. Stand in the rain. Laugh at yourself...laugh at everything. Love everything, even the things you can barely stand. Just live. Live your life; it's the only one like it you'll ever have.

The title of this entry comes from a Hollywood Undead song entitled "I'm Sorry". It's riddled with pain and regret and anger, but somewhere towards the end of that song there is such relief...the release of human emotion is...amazing. All the potential for every great discovery lies within the human soul.

I've made a new friend. She's one of my freshman horn players this year, and she's an incredibly sweet, interesting person. Her vitality is refreshing to me. Constantly having random deep thoughts can be hectic, and she's a real breath of fresh air. A free spirit, like myself. I wish her well. She has no idea how much fun she's going to have in the next three years, and I'm excited to see how she adapts to full-fledged high school life. Best of luck, gal.

Mmm...Bon Jovi. Something about that man's voice is wonderfully enlightening. Great songs, to boot. I'm craving some Guadalajara cheese dip. Mmmm...yum.

D is supposed to be leaving work now, but he'll probably try to stay til close for the extra hours...I miss him, and he's wearing himself out...I wish he wouldn't. I can say one thing for the boy, he works really hard to reach his goals until he's met them. I admire that greatly.

I had an epic Avoid-Being-Farted-On-By-My-Randomly-Disgusting-Boyfriend Battle today. He let a real stinker loose, and I got one whiff and had no intention of remaining in the room for the rest of his gaseous expulsions, so of course he attempted to restrain me and fart as close to my nose as possible. He should be awarded a gold medal for taking as many consecutive knees to the hindquarters as he did. Poor thing was definitely hurting... :) But I won, as I always do.

I saw an act of extreme redneck-ness (and illegality) near D's house earlier this week; a family attached a fire hose (where on earth did they get that?! Did they jack a f-in fire engine?!) to the fire hydrant on the corner, ran it down the block to their curb, along the fence that surrounds their yard, into their backyard, and used it to fill their above-ground pool.
...Seriously?...I mean...seriously?...Even the yuppies can't afford to use their own friggin' garden hose? What is wrong with people? Is it worth being jailed and fined massively? ...Seriously???

A song recommendation for Evanescence fans: "Lies". A song from the Origin album that wasn't terribly advertised due to the fact that the band had not yet signed with could also find the original versions of Whisper and Imaginary (that one's particularly good), along with some more great titles, such as "Forgive Me", "Fields of Innocence", and a wonderful instrumental called "Outro".

My quote for the evening:

"Sinners, men, and chivalry
And softly spoken lies;
You never know just how to look
Through other people's eyes."

~from "Pepper" by the Butthole Surfers~

(...what's up with that name...?)


May 15, 2009

Something's Gotta Give

And soon. Cause this is some serious mess.

I have amazing friends. I really do, though they are only a few. They are always willing to help, or try to help, and a few of them love me back. That's all anyone can ask for.

"From the top to the bottom
(Bottom to top I stop)
At the core and forgotten
(In the middle of my thoughts)
Taken far from my safety
(The picture's there)
The memory won't escape me,
But why should I care?"

My bad. Songs play in my head occasionally. *wink* Google synesthesia.

That was "Forgotten" by Linkin Park by the way.

How should I feel?
Creatures lie here,
Looking through the window...

That night he caged her,
Beat and broke her...
He struggled closer
Then he stole her..."

"Monster", Meg & Dia

It's strange...every truly good person that I know is going through some seriously bad crap right now. Death, disease, heartbreak, doesn't make a lot of sense, but there's something beautiful about overcoming something tough when you shouldn't have to.

"Beautiful is empty.
Beautiful is free.
Beautiful loves no one.
Beautiful stripped me..."

Creed, "Beautiful"

Money, they say, is neither good nor evil; amoral. So is beauty, or status, or any other structural tool of society...society itself is I suppose that legalism reigns true. We are all naturally evil because humanity makes us selfish to a "t".

This just about sums up my feelings lately.

"'You will never be strong enough
You will never be good enough
You have never conceived enough
And now you must rise above'

Rescue me and I'll comfort you
I have lived and I'd die for you
Bow to me and I bow to you;
I will never forsake you.

They will never see...
I will never be...
I've struggled on and on to feed this hunger
Burning deep inside of me..."

"Lies" by Evanescence. Please look it up (, you really have to hear it to understand.

I also recommend Lacuna Coil. Italian hard rock band that sings about 95% in English. Female lead and male member also sings...they're very unique.

So anyway, I've been having some really majorly moments. All at once. "Epic fail" describes everything that happens to me. Disease, fights, drama aside from the fights, car broke down and turned out to have tons of stuff wrong with it, David is gonna be gone really soon, and work is beating the crap out of me, plus I'm really uberbusy and my back is as bad as it's ever been. I really would like to take exams and run away to Alaska so I can chill with the caribou. Caribou don't treat you like crap, they just crap on you on occasion, but that sounds pretty much cool to me right about now. Caribou sound nice.

So okay. My stepdad comes in the other night...well, I'll start from the beginning.

I'm listening to music with Nate, about to get in bed, and I've got one hand with wet nail polish on it and the other halfway done. Mom comes halfway down to the hall towards my room and hollers something about could I come do something to the laundry. I still don't know what she said, but I figured she meant switch the laundry over, which sounded fine to me. I hollered back okay, and proceeded to blow my nails dry (wet nails+wet laundry=stained laundry and messed up nails). They dried in about four minutes and I dragged myself out of against the will of my insanely sore back, went down the hall, and headed to the laundry room. I pass Mom in the living room and she says, "Well, don't worry about it, he already got up and did it," so I look up and my stepdad is dragging laundry out of the laundry room. I was like, oh okay...I had it, but okay, whatever. I go back to my room. Few minutes later my stepdad appears in my doorway and stares at me blankly as though he intended to tell me something but noticed a large and mysterious bird of prey perched on my head and therefore could not speak. I assume (correctly) that this means he will not speak until I turn my music down. Without prompting, I do so.
Then the rant begins. "Your mom told you twice to get the laundry but you don't show up for ten minutes and you'd better start pulling your weight around here cause I can't deal with everything by myself and at least your brother takes the dog and the garbage out-" ....blah, blah, blah, blah, expletive, blah.

Then he fishes for a pity party and gets not one word out of my mouth, so he storms off.

First thing's first:

1. I heard Mom once. I had music on and she didn't feel like walking into my room and asking me face to face. So sue me.

2. Do you want nail polish stains on your laundry? Cause after that rant I wouldn't mind leaving a few.

3. Five minutes, maybe. My computer has an accurate clock on it, and I didn't keep anyone waiting for ten minutes.

4. No one asked you to walk all of ten feet from the couch to the laundry room so that you could beat me to the task and then come chew me out because I'm apparently just not good enough. You weren't even half done when I got there, so if you would have waited thirty seconds I could have been there and had it done.

5. My brother is an introverted middle schooler who had no job, no extracurricular activities, no advanced classes, and no life outside of a clipboard and a PS2.

6. You don't know what you're talking about, get out of my room before I go off.

7. You're not my father and you never will be. You don't know me. I don't know you, and I don't particularly care to. I'm only really concerned about living through high school. So bite me.

So, of course, I said none of that, and I'm not going to. Because he doesn't care if he doesn't know all the information or if he's cruel or unfair or overreacting. And if he doesn't care, complaining just digs a deeper hole.

Fights over stupid things accomplish nothing except making people look unnecessarily belligerent and making me lose lots of respect for them. So sue me.

Anyway, life is...moving along. My mom and I seem to finally have a chance to get close again, which, if accomplished, would probably draw my whole family together in the end, but since I can't comfortably interact with her because of my stepdad's constant persistence about being too involved in everything, I don't see that happening for about ten more years.

On a cheerful note, the caribou population is up. And I've put out some good art and poetry lately, which no one whose opinion I would really love to hear is paying attention to. I am, as always, madly in love... :') ...and, as said above, it's all we naturally evil beings could ever ask for. To ask more would be more insane than I feel and a little less insane than we all actually are.

"I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad
That dreams of when I'm dying are the best I've ever had.
I find it hard to tell you...
I find it hard to take...
When people run in circles it's a very, very
Mad world."

~Gary Jules, "Mad World"~

May 9, 2009

Dark Red

Passion is everything.
It is the product of lust,
Trickling into the cryptic crevices of the soul.
It is the fruit of love,
Filling the heart with songbirds and cherry blossoms.
Warm shadow, sweet darkness,
Delicate fire, icy resolve.
Passion is everything
And nothing
At all.

Apr 22, 2009

"I cannot fathom that."

The best epic fail to date.

Courtney McCurly, in the middle of Devin's line about how his character's family in The Crucible populated the entire community.

Devin: "The Putnam seed has populated this entire province! I-"

Courtney: "I cannot fathom that."

Not only was her line early, but sounded completely hilarious. I mean EPIC fail. It was great...

Well, that's all for now folks. There is a puppy begging at my leg.


Apr 4, 2009

And so it began...with a Plecostomous

I now have competition for David's Few months ago D got a 75 gallon tank from my stepdad and he found a plecostomous (algae eater) that was big enough to be fairly impressive. Since then we've gotten several more fish, including Wall.E, an obese Black Moor that I adore.

It's quite humorous to me that I end up nagging him more about how much time he spends on his fish than on how long he plays video games, despite that both activities take away from our time together. Lol. I must admit, though...I've grown to love the little boogers too.

Most of the good console games lately are first-person shooters. Which give me incrediable motion sickness. Joy. However, I find that Resident Evil has once again lived up to my expectations of the adored Capcom zombie-shooter...the new installment offers stunning graphics, all-new, challenging enemies, and environments and battles that actually require some strategy. In my opinion, and in my opinion as an RE fan, RE5 is a must-play for any survival/horror game fan. in a few minutes. Guess I'll post again another day.


Mar 29, 2009

I am so very excited!

I have decided to help financially support a little girl named Steffy. She turns seven on April ninth, and she is so beautiful. She lives in Honduras. I really felt God was calling me to use the money I pend on stupid stuff for myself to help support one of these children, so I went up to the table and scanned the pictures, and there was this beautiful little face with a sweet mischievous grin, and I just knew she was it. Reminded me of pictures of myself in kindergarten. She has asthma, and when I read that I was sort of reminded of Denzil and how much he loved his this is sort of for Denzil, too.

I have never been so excited to spend money in all my life. I can't wait to get paid so that I can load my card and start supporting her.

More on Steffy! Her father is a driver and her mother a homemaker, and they live in a house that most of us would consider to be the product of poverty, but compared to many children in her situation she is well enough off. My thirty bucks a month helps her eat one good, healthy meal a day five days a week at a kitchen in her school or church, buy her new clothes and school uniforms that fit, buy her shoes, and occasionally spoil her (which I most definitely will do from time to time). She is so gorgeous...y'all should all get involved in something like this. It is such a great thing...and mark me, these children are selected for these programs because they make good grades in school and exhibit good attitudes. Out of all of the children in poverty, only a few gain the privilege of having an American aid is a privilege to write letters to an American sponsor...and honor to know that an American knows and cares that they exist. I urge you to get involved. Be a blessing in the life of a child that needs to be loved...I've only seen a picture of Steffy and I love her already. If you're interested or know someone who may be, visit to learn about how to support a child from Honduras or Nicaragua, or search for Compassion International for information about sponsoring children all over the world.

This is a perfect labor of love for single young adults, couples without children, and teenagers with a steady job. I mean, what is thirty bucks a month? A dinner out when you could make a sandwich, a movie that'll probably suck anyway, a pair of jeans or shoes that you probably don't need? This is a life- changing opportunity for these children and their sponsors alike. These kids can graduate high school because of you...can receive career training because of you. Can lead a happy, successful life because one American took ten minutes and thirty dollars and said, "I want to make a difference with my life."

Once again, I am so excited...I can't wait for my first letter! Please email me, I'd love to hear your questions and comments about Steffy. I'll probably carry her picture, so if you see me ask about her. Please consider supporting a have a chance to completely alter the life of a child that may or may not have a chance at life without you.

God bless,

Mar 26, 2009

Ah...we meet again

Wow, I've really missed blogging. This feels like coming home.

I find myself without much to rely on...there are a few stable things here and there, and that's really all I can ask for. I'm alive, so I have no right to ask for anything at all.

David's downstairs eating dinner, and I'm in front of his xbox on a laptop, blogging. Lol...I find myself to be delightfully lame.

It seems like every girl I know is going bra shopping this week. I'm thinking, "Why exactly do you turn the unnecessary spending of money on items you don't exactly need into a social event?" Then again, I've been known to turn aimlessly driving around Decatur, Hartselle, and Huntsville into a social event. So I guess wandering without purpose can be useful after all.

Hopefully I'll be playing Resident Evil 5 in a few minutes...Gah, that's a good game. I'm pretty sure I prefer it to RE4 simply because of the co-op mode available in RE5.

"Those who are dead are not dead, they're just livin' in my head...
And, since I fell for that spell, I've been living in this well.
Time is so short and I'm sure there must be somethin' more...

"Ya' thought ya' might be a ghost...
ya' thought ya' might be a ghost!
Ya' didn't get to Heaven, but ya' made it close...
ya' didn't get to Heaven but ya...

"Those who are dead are not dead, they're just livin' in my head...ooh..."

~"42" by Coldplay~

Been in a Coldplay mood lately. Bright, calming, nonsensical music...seems to suit me of late.

I intend to post an excerpt from Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray here when I get the sums up my thoughts nicely.

Ah...we meet again. The dreaded school picture day. I wore a Victorian vest-top thing, faded black jeans, a dress watch, and my hair is now dyed something kinda like its original yeah, me and my dramatic makeup look like your typical punk-pop star. It's sickening to think about the stereotype, but I do like the way the style looks on me. My newly pierced ears feel pretty good, so I know have four individual piercings. I was afraid one was infected, but I think now it's just torn, but healing up nicely. Well, D's back. I'll drop another line as soon as I get a chance to again.

LOVE LOVE ME (~mika~)

Mar 10, 2009

Drown Them Out...

Mama Jo and Todd are having a shouting match (and I am, as usual, with grandma on this issue), so I'm gonna blog and listen to Queen.

Paris and I have decided that we are cousins because we are both related to Thomas Jefferson through his slaves.

Bohemian Rhapsody...again. Oh yes. T-Rey impression :"Yeeess!"

My grandmother has made pork chops cooked in onions, garlic, pepper, and sour cream gravy...which is an improvised (and amazing) compliment to anything. Including asparagus, which I hate, for the most part.

"I see a little silhouetto of a man...Galileo...Let me go...oh mama mia, mama mia..." I am singing to myself, sadly. This music is way too loud. Oh well.

I spent this morning with David, who fed me and taught me to play Halo Wars, and made my day quite wonderful despite its monotony. ("...any way the wind blows...*gong*...") I then reported to the auxiliary gym and played the picture-sentence game with Steffness, Macy G, Allison, Nanako, and Anna, whose new hair color is gorgeous. We plan to meet tomorrow morning at Affle Housen. I have all of four dollars, but I still look forward to it.

I am once again approaching a birthday, which has been awkward the past few days. As I told D, while trying to convince him not to spend any money on me, I believe that "There is absolutely nothing special about my birthday except getting one year closer to marrying you and one year closer to dying. That's it." And that really is my view on it, pathetic or not...considering that the educated populous of the planet does not look to the skies at 9:07 pm on the first day of spring and say, "Ah, look, it's some eccentric Amazon's birthday in America," , I don't pay too much attention to it anymore. I don't even love getting gifts or being treated slightly nicer than any other day, I settle in asking my mom to fund another set of piercings, and allowing my friends to take me on a group shopping trip. Originally, I had NO IDEA what I wanted from D, and urged him not to get me anything...But he managed to get a grin out of me at the mention of Final Fantasy VII, so that may be a possibility. However, I expect nothing of him apart from a comfy night at home...and that he cook me dinner. I make some killer desserts, but David is definitely the cook between the two of us.

Prom is retarded. Like...Spongebob retarded. Yet I wanna go next year. Eh, what can I say...I want at least one excuse to flaunt it in a pretty dress. That' s assuming I decide on one. Cause if I don't love it, I'm not buying it. Straight up.

David's at pt (physical training) with the USMC early entry group right now, so I'm just chillin' at g-ma's and waiting to be fed. Lol. Such is life at the Thomas residence on most evenings.

I think I've found another item for my Bucket List...learn to ballroom dance well. Right under "Speak Spanish with something that somewhat resembles fluency."

I've been bored on Quizilla lately cause it keeps only saving parts of my stories and then deletes parts, so I'm pissed at it and haven't actually written in ages. But oh well...guess now is as good a time as any to log back on.

Well, until another (quieter) day,


Mar 9, 2009

My bored, random, depressed/aggrevated thoughts during my 6th period art class...

I'm in a mood for deep thought today, so here we go...

Have you ever thought about the fact that, in the spectrum of the earth itself, time does not exist? Time is the human measurement of the passage of daylight, stages of life, etc...but in and of itself, time is nothing at all.

During sex, do atheists moan, "Oh Nothingness, oh nothingness..."

"If your uncle Jack helped you off an elephant, would you help your uncle Jack off an elephant?" -the Love Guru

"Man learns from history that man learns nothing from history."

Why do so many women dye their hair blonde when statistics show that men prefer brunettes?

Why on earth wouldn't you want to be an organ doner? Dead is dead, and the living need organs to continue human greed so steadfast that it persists even in death?

Reality has proven to be stranger than fiction.

Guns don't kill people, and neither do people with guns. BULLETS kill people. Get it right, fools.

Obama- IO is 127. Mine is 140. I hate politics. Hooray for the wise.

Call 7722574498. No toll, nothing dirty or incriminating, no obligation, just pure hilarity. DO IT! (Listen carefully)

Why do glasses make normal people look smart and smart people look slightly creepy?

My points to finding, and therefore loving, oneself:
1. Keep an open mind while maintaining personal standards.
2. Appreciate and fully experience the natural world.
3. Love others
4. Self-sacrifice

The Army values are actually really great to live by:
Selfless service
Personal courage

"Skin deep, you're skin deep; no one will ever be perfect in your eyes...always scratching the surface for your prize. First impressions are over in an instant. You make your decisions before you speak a end your search, the page already turned. So fill the empty space with another pretty face..." -Skin Deep by Trapt

"Nothing really matters, anyone can see...nothing really matters...nothing really matters to me...any way the wind blows." -Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

Mar 8, 2009


So yeah. Interesting story.

I had an amazing date with D Friday night. Like, awesome...despite that we did practically nothing. Anyway, my mom managed to ruin it. Why am I not surprised?

Upon leaving the house, my curfew was midnight. At eleven, while David and I are in the middle of watching Taken at Regal Oaks, mom calls me and blesses me out. "Your curfew is always eleven! I don't care if you're in the middle of a movie! Come home right now!"

"Okay." Click.

So I pull D out of the movie, which up until that point was really good ( I love Liam Neeson as much as Keiffer Sutherland ), and he takes me to my car and I get home at eleven twenty, forty minutes before I was originally going to arrive.

A post-it on the bathroom mirror: "Grounded 2 weeks- we'll talk tomorrow"

I turn to Nathan. "To hell we will."

Saturday morning there is a minor lecturing. Note: my 2 week grounding would last next week, Spring Break, and my birthday. Mom says, "I really don't wanna ground you on your birthday, so listen."

I'm like, "I shouldn't even be grounded. But whatever you say."

She ignores me.

Then, when I get home from work last night, "Gabby, I just now realized y'all were in the movie theater last night...I realized Taken isn't on DVD yet...If I'd known I would have let you stay."



What. The. Hell.

Anywhoo, after I stared at her blankly and in silence for a minute or so, I said, "Yeah, mom. Yeah, we were at the theater. Why do you think I had to take the call outside?"

"Well, I'm sorry, I didn't know."

", like...what's the deal?"

"Well...just don't stay out..."

"Good 'nuff." I say as she walks away.

So, as of today, according to a somewhat vague footnote in my mom's apology, I am relatively ungrounded.

Gah, she's confusing. But whatever.

So I'm watching David play Halo Wars and listening to music...that's about it. Someone hit me up, if you've got my number.


Mar 3, 2009 I am. After a few day's absence from my blog (and a minor bout of separation anxiety) I have returned.

Shamu, my large maroon Whale on Wheels (1995 Ford Aerostar), is in the shop and I miss her. There was rumor of Chris maybe getting me a Mazda because Shamu has been slowly dying of various terminal illnesses for some time now, but I highly doubt that I will actually acquire said Mazda.

Also, there is a chance that Lil' Ghetto, my AT&T Go Phone, may soon be replaced by a Verizon pre-paid phone that would be, though more expensive, quite a bit nicer. Considering that I do and always have paid for every penny of my phone and its service (it's actually in my name), I am not sure rather I shall accept the proposal or not. The way minimum wage is and the economic recession or whatever the hell it is is not making life any easier on teenage loners.

Speaking of loneliness, I have been quite lonely lately. I still see David quite often, but I used to spend hours out of every day with him, so I'm adjusting, and dreading the day he leaves for basic training. I admire his choice to join the Marines, and I'm very proud of him, but GAH am I scared. I'm one of those people that prefers a few close friends over many mediocre ones, but I honestly hate being alone. And, as stated before, I am terrified of loss. So David's career choice takes a little out of me even though it hasn't begun yet. I'll support him in whatever he wants for the rest of his life, but I pray every day that I die before he does. I suppose it's selfish to want to leave him to cope with losing me instead of the other way around, but let's face it; the ideal way to die (together, old, sleeping in each other's arms) is highly unlikely. I mean, it had to be the Marines. God knows why he picked the branch of service with the highest death rate and the most difficult standards...but he feels called to do it, like I feel called to support my little "family" or to finally publish my book or to push myself to the edge in pursuit of the person that I hope I will become. He wants it bad, and that's all I need to know to follow's just so hard to be the one left behind...especially when you can't be sure when and how your partner will be coming back. God, give me grace...

Anyway, I've been carted around so far this week by Ms. McCurly and my friend Megan, both of which have ended up taking me to BAM until I can get D to take me home. Meg actually was permitted to stay and talk to me until David arrived today, which was quite nice. We went by McGreasy and I got a double cheeseburger combo and one of the new brownie melts (very good, but quite rich a little too much for people like myself that get heartburn easily). We then chilled in Megan's car until David drove up like a bat out of hell (as usual), and then I migrated to David's car and he dropped me off here at Mama Jo's, so here I am...blogging. I apologize, for I am vastly uninteresting today.

Book stores make me feel as though I'm being watched...but in a good way. Not like being watched by creepy people or whatever, but like little pieces of the warmth from the books follow me around while I'm browsing. Yesterday was quite nice...I bid Ms. McCurly adieu, bought myself an iced cocoa, and settled down with a hilarious book that the mistress of dry humor herself recommended. I liked it so much that I almost bought it (I mean, it's a practically worthless book, but too funny to miss), spent an hour looking for the price on the cover while trying to appear like I was not looking for the price on the cover, and finally found it, in the end deciding that a large volume full of random and amusing information was not worth nearly twenty dollars after tax.

I am broke, and my grandmother just gave me money in hopes that it would cheer me up. I feel like a terrible person, but she won't let me turn her down...they need every penny they can get...*long sigh*...

Well, pay day is Thursday, and perhaps I can figure out how to do something to eliminate my occasional need for charity...I hate feeling like a burden, and I hate owing people money. Since my grandparents don't let me pay them back, I feel like crap every time they try to make my semi-self-sufficient life more comfortable. It makes me sad, but I don't know what to do... :/ oh well.

I heard from ED about this movie called Black Sheep. Zombie sheep. Sounds hilarious because 1.) It was filmed with the intentions of scaring its audiences, and 2.)...zombie sheep. Doesn't that say it all?

Don't have much to say, so here are a few suggestions for movie-lovers:

My 35 buy/rent movie picks...

~Interview With the Vampire (BUY)
~The Secret Life of Bees (rent)
~Amusement (rent)
~Hannibal Rising, Red Dragon, The Silence of the Lambs, and Hannibal (BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY!)
~Donnie Darko (very deep cult classic; an American film that originally gained a heavy following in the U.K...if you like weird movies, buy it and watch it repeatedly. If you're only interested in strange movies, rent it and watch repeatedly.)
~The Mothman Prophesies (another deep, weird one...a rent, though)
~Silver Bullet (rent)
~The Howling (buy...both this and the above are CLASSICS of the building werewolf genre)
~The Producers (musical based on a or buy)
~The Truth About Cats and Dogs (rent)
~The Matrix series (note the many biblical parallels...a good rent or a buy for action fans)
~Tamara (a good rent or buy)
~Forrest Gump (buy)
~Thelma and Louise (Brad Pitt when he was still sexy...and a classic. Buy it, foolish mortals!)
~O Brother, Where Art Thou? (rent)
~St. Elmo's Fire (80's hit, long and dramatic and outrageous in all its glory...a good movie, probably better rented than owned.
~Miracle at St. Anna (rent)
~The Bucket List (buy)
~Anger Management (buy)
~The Crow (A buy for cult film fans, w/ massive amounts of Romeo & Juliet allusions...a rent for others)
~The Color Purple (anyone with a soul should own this movie)
~Fried Green Tomatoes (anyone with a soul and a sick sense of humor should own this movie)
~A Nightmare on Elm Street (nothing will ever be as scary as the originals were...a rent)
~The Exorcist (oh buy it, buy it, buy it! Amazing movie, and at least 50% true to the actual events)
~Something's Gotta Give (quite funny, though not a movie most teens would enjoy...a decent rent)
~Pineapple Express (rent)
~Bottleshock (Great, and based on a truly amusing story...a wonderful rent)
~Ace Ventura ( you must live once...a rent )
~Instinct (the god of all amazing actors, Anthony Hopkins, in an incredible role...a buy, if you can find it)
~The Shawshank Redemption (buy)
~Stephen King's The Stand (buy, but you'll be terrified of the common cold for weeks)
~Stand by Me (another King flick recommended by a very biased fan, but it's a heartwarming movie, and Keiffer Sutherland fangirls will go wild at the mild-mannered actor as a teenage badass. I own it.)
~The Lost Boys (Go Keiffer it)
~Mirrors (relatively scary, and with Keiffer again...anyone notice a pattern, here? Rent this one)
~Gravedancers (although many of the Masters of Horror and 8 Films to Die For movies are tremendously visionary and somewhat scary, this one surpasses most of its counterparts with its solid storyline and unpredictable turns. Special effects are pretty good and cinematography is to die for...not a typical in-your-face horror movie...a real winner. Pick it up at an FYE near you)

Well, I do believe I've ranted enough for tonight. Everyone have a good evening and sleep well.
